Hello, friends! I’ve got good news! It’s time to say goodbye to all of your homebuying hassles.
As we all know, having a roof over our heads is a need that everyone needs to have. But even though buying a home is a rite of passage a young adult should go through, we’ve heard stories from both young and old on the uber complicated process of homeownership which is kinda weird seeing as how homebuying should’ve already been a known fact.
Hence, Myra’s here to the rescue! Even with the most basic of basics with homebuying, I want to make sure that you as a homebuyer will have an easy and convenient process even if it’s just a simple step like booking the home of your dreams.
So alongside my super simple 4-step homebuying journey that tells you everything, I’ve come up with another initiative just for you (because you are all super special to me <3). So may I now present... Myra’s Super Calculator that’s for everyone!
What You'll Find:
Simplicity is the vibe I’m going for so I’ve made your entire booking process easy peasy lemon squeezy with these items below you should definitely check out!
Automatic Instalment Calculator
List of Hidden Costs Payables + Automatic Calculator
Commitments column
DSR Rating
Document Templates
Don’t be worried about how to use it. I’ve created a little How-To Guide just for you so that you’ll know how to navigate through these clear and easy waters. Just click on the picture below and visit Myra's Super Calculator here!
Automatic Instalment Calculator:
So not all of us are good with maths and numbers pretty much flies above our heads. And it’s difficult to know how to calculate for your home especially if these things are all new and foreign to you. So fret not, your math genius (me) is here to help! All you have to do is key in the numbers in each section and it’d calculate it all automatically! Don’t forget to key in any rebates you are able to get from your developer because those rebates will affect your property’s nett price and all of the further calculations below in the various sections! (p.s: you can find the numbers you need to key in from the info that was given to you by your sales consultant usually on a piece of paper.)
Automatic Instalment Calculator
List of Hidden Costs Payables + Automatic Calculator
They’re called hidden costs by experienced homebuyers for a reason. But it shouldn’t be hidden from you and every homebuyer out there! So here’s the list and the amount that is automatically calculated based on the nett price of your home so that you’ll be able to be financially prepared for it when the time comes. There is a lil section where you can tick on the certain payables for it to be waived because sometimes there are initiatives from the government like the Home Ownership Campaign (HOC) where it gives you free stamp duty for your Memorandum of Transfer (MOT) and loan agreement. Certain developers also will absorb the legal fees for you so you have the option to tick and untick to get a better accurate figure of your total payables and total waived!
List of Hidden Costs Payables + Automatic Calculator
Commitments Column:
So when you want to buy a home, there needs to be a loan applicant for your home if you are going to get a loan from the bank. What the bank will do is look into your Credit Report and this report shows everything. All of your commitments from your hire purchase, PTPTN, and even your phone or water bill, it’s all there and it even shows if you are a good paymaster. So tip 1: pay your bills on time! A new section is needed for each commitment, so key it all in and try to be as accurate as you can be for how much your monthly repayable are and your remaining tenure. It’s important to put the right figure because it’ll affect the next section which is your DSR Result!
Commitments Column
DSR Result:
What is DSR, you may ask? Let me tell you! DSR stands for Debt Service Ratio and it is a calculation banks use to determine if they should grant you a loan. It combines all of your commitments and the end-result should not cross 70%. The lower the % is, the higher your chances are of landing your home loan! Now, many people actually have no idea what their DSR is until they put in their loan application. So I’ve decided that having this ‘lil section is extremely important because it’ll really help you understand your financial situation, especially from a bank’s perspective!
This last section will show you what your current DSR is before you buy your home. It will include all of your commitments that you’ve included above in the Buyer Details section. Now, for the best part! This section will also automatically calculate your new DSR % based on the new home that you’re interested in purchasing alongside your current commitments. So there you go!
DSR Result
Document Templates:
It’s time to land the loan. Your sales consultant called and gave you a list of documents with very unfamiliar names. What are they and where on earth can you find them, you must be thinking. Fret not, I’ve compiled the list with templates especially for you! Remember, the banks will ask different individuals for different documents, and not everyone will have the same list. So refer to the list of templates as needed!
So ta-dah! I hope Myra’s Super Calculator is everything you’ve ever wished for. You won’t need to ever wonder why the banks ghosted or rejected you because Myra’s Super Calculator is here to make all things clear on homeownership and it’s definitely here to stay! So knock yourself out with it and share this great party trick with your friends! And for those who are super duper ready to meet our Myra team, we have a little present for you called Myra's Homebuying Hub! It is an advanced version of Myra's Super Calculator! Read all about it here! I hope you love Myra’s Homebuying Hub (+ Myra's Super Calculator) because I sure know the media did!
New Strait Times Feature (Eng)
Impiana Feature (BM)
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