What are the different characteristics of a Townhouse, Semi-D, Detached, and Cluster Homes?
Category: Step 1: Find Your Dream Home | Tags: homebuying, Homeliving
Hey there! After our last session where we learned about the differences between the trio: terrace, linked homes, and superlink, you might now be curious about other types of houses. Well, Myra can educate you on that! Today we will be discussing the differences between a townhouse, semi-d, detached, and cluster homes. The terminology again can be confusing as there is a lot, but it's quite simple! Let's jump right into it!
Townhouses visually look just like terrace houses - until you see and understand the design layout of the house. The concept is a bit difficult to grasp when you first stumble upon it, but once you familiarize yourself with the idea, you will get the hang of it!
With the layout of a townhouse, homeowners can experience the best of both condo/landed home living -- as Hannah Montana once said, “It’s so much better. Cause you know you got the best of both worlds.”! In Malaysia, a townhouse consists of two houses stacked together and can either be three to four stories depending on the developer.
How do townhouses work, you ask? Well, typically a townhouse would be one and a half stories tall, with one person owning the ground floor, which is smaller in size but more accessible as you can enter via the front door. Another person would then own the top storey, which has a larger built-up, but you would need to enter through either the side or back door (it depends!). So the property is privately owned by each individual, with no sharing of indoor areas required, EXCEPT for the parking spots. So don't worry, if you really don’t feel like it, you won’t need to socialize with your neighbors because you'll have the entire house to yourself!
What’s beneficial about living in a neighborhood like this is that you will have access to shared facilities such as a guarded community, security, and access to common areas like gyms or playgrounds. FYI, townhouses are also unique in terms of homeownership as the owners have strata titles which are usually used for homeowners in high-rise or low-rise buildings such as flats, apartments and condominiums. Interesting, right?
Semi-Detached (Semi-D) vs Detached Homes
The term Semi-Detached (Semi-D) and Detached are actually used quite interchangeably with one another. These two homes have a more prestigious status in comparison to other homes, and are usually located in exclusive neighborhoods. Both of these homes have garden space and their built-up is on the larger side.
What you need to remember about Semi-D houses is that they share one common wall with their neighbours and the houses are in mirrored pairs of 2. This means that the two houses are the exact reflection of one another! In comparison to terrace homes, a Semi-D has more garden space and parking spots in the housing area, which is excellent for larger families.
About detached homes - they are houses that stand independently without sharing a common wall with their neighbors, and you don't have to share a portion of it with your neighbours. If you value privacy above all else, detached homes are quite ideal for you! Yes, you! You can finally sing your heart out at 2am without making your neighbor want to throw a shoe at you! Yay healthy neighbor relationship! Another advantage of this house is that there’s mooooore space! The garden area would be on the sides and the back, or on one side, depending on the developer. You could use the space for barbeque parties or turn it into a garden and plant your own veggies!
Cluster Homes
Okay, do you recall how Semi-D houses are mirrored or arranged in pairs? Well, for cluster homes, simply multiply it by 2! Cluster homes are connected to two of their neighbors and are arranged in groups of four - side by side & back to back, both as a high rise and landed home. Cluster homes are quite well-received because the design usually provides the homeowner with more side doors and windows as compared to terrace homes. The built-up is quite massive, with a little side yard in each unit, similar to a Semi-D -- perfect for your family or pets! There is no backyard since it is connected to a home in the back, so you might be wondering how the unit will receive sunlight. You see, there is a midsection for these homes, operating as a small quadrangle, allowing ventilation and light to enter the residence. If you would like the built-up of a Semi-D, but at a more affordable price - go for cluster homes!
There are many advantages to living in a cluster housing area! Cluster homes are usually located in a gated community, providing you with 24-hour security. You will also have access to tons of shared facilities that are usually found in condominiums! You can find open areas with a playground and parks, which would be perfect for your kids or for you to go out on a run.
To complete the second portion of learning about the different types of houses in Malaysia, every home has its own sets of characteristics and advantages that make them unique and special. Similarities can be found between different types of homes, such as the structure or price or style, they are still different from one another. What all the homes in this segment have in common is that they are all equipped with facilities and security for your comfort and safety, so you could probably go on that late walk to clear your mind -- just make sure to wear reflective gear or clothing!
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